Episode 50: Hiro!!!

I’m not even going to lie to you about show notes this week. 🙂 I wanted to get a quick episode up before Michelle and I leave for Highlands on the Fly in Millinocket, Maine tomorrow – I’m finally packed and almost ready to go. We need to pick up the rental car and load it up tonight before getting on the road early!

I might do a few travel episodes – if so, they will be short .

I’ll see you on the flip side, loves!


Episode 48: Fall = Knitting

No show notes until later – I recorded this at work… shhhhh! 😉

Okay, I didn’t realize just how bad the editing software and camera/computer FUBAR-ed the audio/video sync (it would not let me check, grrrr), so I suggest that you just not even watch and play it in the background. My voice isn’t bad, right? LOL.  I am soooooo sorry about this, guys. I tried to record again tonight using my DSLR, but that won’t let me record anything longer than 5 minutes at a time. (WTF? That just seems wrong – and I can’t figure out how to record longer.) I tried to fix the audio, but 3 hours later and I’m still fiddling with the audio timeline. You have no clue how sorry I am about this. I wanted to pull this down immediately, but since I’d already put it up, I decided to leave it up. I may change my mind tomorrow. We’ll see.
